StellaSwap Partners with Crystl Finance for a New-Breed of Yield-Optimizing Vaults

3 min readJul 15, 2022


We’re excited to announce a partnership with Crystl Finance, an upcoming yield optimizer that has pioneered a new kind of automated vaults called ultra farms. Crystl is currently live on Polygon, Binance Chain and Cronos. With the expansion towards Moonbeam, Crystl will offer automated yield optimizing support for StellaSwap’s LP farms.

What Makes Crystl Unique?

As a yield optimizer, Crystl falls into the same category of automated yield management protocols that makes live easier for users by;

  • Automated claiming of your farm rewards
  • Automated reinvestment of farm rewards back into underlying LP base

With automated reinvestments back to your capital base, you’re actually leveraging on compounding, which Albert Einstein once said;

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it

How Crystl stands out from incumbent leaders like Beefy is their groundbreaking ultra farms, which are vaults that harvest token rewards and then automatically deposit them into a single staking Pool to earn interest without selling them off. This means that users can actually tap on custom yield maximizing strategies beyond the traditional method of purely reinvesting back to the original LP base. With Crystl, users can reinvest to other vaults or strategies to further maximize their potential yields.

“We are extremely excited to not only be partnering with StellaSwap for our Moonbeam launch, but also to showcase our new, powerful product, Dual Reward Ultra Farms. These allow for users to maximize both their earnings and liquidity positions at the same time which leads to higher earnings and higher token prices over time compared to traditional yield aggregation. Our goal at Crystl Finance is to provide users and projects with the best hands-free ways to earn maximum yields while strengthening both the projects and ecosystems we work with.” — Jimmy, Head of Marketing for Crystl

Supported Vaults That You Can Access

As part of their launch, Crystl will start supporting the major farms from StellaSwap, which can be seen here;

You can start depositing your LP tokens here >

Dual Reward Ultra Farms

StellaSwap users on Moonbeam will now have access to a completely revolutionary and never-before-seen automation product in the form of Dual Reward Ultra Farms. The following strategies are now live and fully operational on Crystl Finance:

  • Stake $xcDOT+$wGLMR
    → Earn $wGLMR+$STELLA (Auto-Compounding)
  • Stake $wGLMR+$USDC
    →Earn $wGLMR+$STELLA (Auto-Compounding)

About Crystl Finance

Crystl Finance is an innovative yield automation platform offering secure, transparent, & decentralized solutions for maximized passive income. Our protocols are audited by HashEx and are available on a variety of blockchains including: BNB, Polygon, Cronos, and Moonbeam.

Revenue Sharing is another key feature of Crystl Finance through which our system redistributes a portion of the collected service fees back to $CRYSTL holders in the native ecosystem. For a deeper introduction to the Revenue Sharing system, see the following resources:
Grow With Crystl Finance | Revenue Sharing

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About StellaSwap

StellaSwap is the first and leading Moonbeam DEX that offers an integrated gateway to the DeFi world. Users can swap, earn, yield farm, bridge assets, explore new projects and engage in NFT trading all from a single unified platform. StellaSwap’s products are structured in such a way that facilitates decentralized governance of STELLA holders, while continuing to innovate on the collective foundations by design.

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StellaSwap, Leading Moonbeam DEX and DeFi gateway on Moonbeam. Swap, earn & stake effortlessly from a single unified platform.